Professional training and career development year round.
Only company of its kind to be based in Latin America with in-country offices and staff from Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and the US.
Native English Speakers conduct English evaluations.
An Account Manager assists you every step of the way. They are based in Latin America during recruiting months and make on-site visits during the season.
USE Participants are from top universities, and must attend a variety of orientation and training before travelling to the US.
Offices in Latin America allow us to work more closely with the US Consulate.
Professionalism. Organization. Efficiency. Learn more about how to attend a job fair or look at photos from the 2022/2025 Latin American Fairs.
Onsite: June 12th - 17th
Online: Starting in May 24th - 31st
"Network with other Human Resources professionals while visiting exciting destinations in Latin America."
"The quality of the students is great. USE does a great job screening the applicants for English skills, interests, and preparing them for their trip/job. They come well prepared and excited to be here"
Kelly Brooks, Mountain Creek
CNN in Spanish interviews Rafael Espinoza, CEO of USE about the Work and Travel Program. »Interview translated
98% of Employers ranked U.S.E´s service as Excellent or Good. Read more about the Employer Survey here.
Why Employers Work with USE? Review the benefits of working with us Click here